by jsedrick | Oct 31, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, iPhone, Mobile Apps |
This afternoon I took a few moments to explore the web and app stores for new field service mobile apps that have come on to the market. During my search I stumbled upon an app called Field Service Assistant . Thinking it was a field service app I clicked on the link....
by jsedrick | Oct 24, 2012 | Data Visualization, Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, Mobile Apps |
Last week Felix Baumgartner made history when he SMASHED the previous free fall sky diving record of 19 miles and jumped from a staggering 24 miles. The world literally watched in awe, wonder and anticipation as it was broadcast live from YouTube. Being a bit of a...
by jsedrick | Sep 19, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, GTD, iOS Development, iPhone Development, Location Based Services, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, Mobile Work Orders, Organized, Software Development |
For the past couple of weeks my team has been working on a brand new iPhone application for a client. The premise behind the application is to remind you that you have a shopping list not based on time, but rather based on your location. The app is ideal for the busy...
by jsedrick | Sep 18, 2012 | BYOD, Enterprise Mobility, Field Service |
Millions of smartphones have invaded the workplace in recent years — and millions more are on the way. But it’s not the devices themselves that deserve so much of the chatter surrounding “BYOD.” Yes, legions of workers have made their smartphones and tablets integral...
by jsedrick | Sep 10, 2012 | Andriod, Business, Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, Surface |
For years I have watched Microsoft complacently sit back and let their foothold on the mobile market slip away. Mobile innovation from Microsoft has been conspicuously absent for the past 5 years. If it were not for the rugged space I suspect Windows Mobile would have...
by jsedrick | Aug 14, 2012 | Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, MEAP - Mobile Enterprise Application Platform, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, Mobile Devices and Hardware, Mobile Work Orders, Psion |
This morning I received an email from a long-time customer. We’ve just gone through some major enhancements on their mobile and web reporting engine. “I just want to say a quick thank you to Dale, Tim, Frank, Paul and everyone elemental in making our...