by jsedrick | May 15, 2013 | Cloud Services, Field Service, Field Service Management, Field Service Scheduling, SaaS, ZenTouch |
Does this sound familiar? A customer calls to get an estimate. You send your best estimator out. The customer receives the estimate and says “I need to talk it over with my spouse” or “I need to see if insurance covers it” or some other excuse...
by jsedrick | Jan 18, 2013 | Auto Detailing, Auto Recon, Car Detailing, Field Service, Mobile Apps, Mobile Tech Expo, Mobile Work Orders, PDR |
Auto Recon, PDR, Upholstery Repair professionals and industry vendors gathered in Orlando at the Worldgate Resort for the 2013 Mobile Tech Expo. It was a busy, busy day as auto recon professionals came in from all the world. A special kudos to Renny Doyle who received...
by jsedrick | Dec 7, 2012 | Andriod, Enterprise Mobility, iOs, iOS Development, iPhone, Mobile Apps, Mobile Development, ZenTouch |
Every once in awhile it’s nice to be recognized for the work your team has done. The past couple of weeks have given us pause to celebrate. We were first recognized by the Idaho Statesman Business Insider as one of the Top 10 Apps Made in Idaho to watch for...
by jsedrick | Nov 20, 2012 | Auto Detailing, Auto Recon, Car Detailing, Field Service, iOs, iPhone, PDA, PDR, ZenTouch |
We just learned that ZenTouch is mentioned in Renny Doyle’s latest Book “How to Start a Home-based Car Detailing Business”. If you’re building a PDR or Car Detailing business Renny’s book is a must read. Renny Doyle is a master level...
by jsedrick | Feb 28, 2012 | Business, BYOD, Enterprise Mobility, Field Service, Mobile Apps, Mobile Work Orders |
Aruba Networks published a survey this week that shows 85% of hospitals allow physicians and staff to use their personal mobile devices for work activities. The adoption of BYOD, “bring your own device” is fast becoming the norm the adoption of mobility...