by rpuzey | Jun 14, 2013 | Auto Recon, Business, Car Detailing, Field Service, ZenTouch |
Normally we blog about general mobility software topics and how they impact business. Today I am stepping out of that and specifically writing about one business here in Boise, Idaho that stands out as a leader in customer service and quality. That business is...
by jsedrick | Jan 18, 2013 | Auto Detailing, Auto Recon, Car Detailing, Field Service, Mobile Apps, Mobile Tech Expo, Mobile Work Orders, PDR |
Auto Recon, PDR, Upholstery Repair professionals and industry vendors gathered in Orlando at the Worldgate Resort for the 2013 Mobile Tech Expo. It was a busy, busy day as auto recon professionals came in from all the world. A special kudos to Renny Doyle who received...
by jsedrick | Nov 20, 2012 | Auto Detailing, Auto Recon, Car Detailing, Field Service, iOs, iPhone, PDA, PDR, ZenTouch |
We just learned that ZenTouch is mentioned in Renny Doyle’s latest Book “How to Start a Home-based Car Detailing Business”. If you’re building a PDR or Car Detailing business Renny’s book is a must read. Renny Doyle is a master level...